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BD 1080p encoding vs BD 720 encoding

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BD 1080p encoding vs BD 720 encoding Empty BD 1080p encoding vs BD 720 encoding

Post by turabamin Mon Feb 22, 2016 4:20 pm

This request isnt for any specific anime rather it is for future encodes. Now a days internet bandwidth is really cheap. Besides HDDs are available at considerably lower price. Last of all, at present days every gadget can play 1080P smoothly; even my moto g of 180 bucks can play Smile . This introduction I have made just to request you to give priority to BD 1080p. I think even one or two years later, 720p will be considered as 480p as it is in these days and you encoders will be bombarded with overwhelming requests of BD 1080p.

It is very true that you ppl offer both BD 720 and 1080p but your priority goes to BD 720p. But I think considering future it is better to give preference to 1080p.

Encoding BD, especially in 1080p, is a tiring task and it goes hard both on your net and PC. Besides you ppl have to manage from you precious time for encoding. So hence my request is that encodes those animes which have better rating.

I am really sorry and apology if you find my requests egocentric.

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BD 1080p encoding vs BD 720 encoding Empty Re: BD 1080p encoding vs BD 720 encoding

Post by rishabh Wed Mar 14, 2018 12:46 pm

Totally agreed. Nowadays, x265 removes the big bandwidth difference b/w the two. Data is relatively cheap so adding an extra ~60MB for quality is only rational (assuming BD720p~60MB, BD1080p~120MB).

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Join date : 2018-03-13
Location : S;G Timeline

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